7 Ways to Lose Weight Without Going On A Diet

by | Dec 16, 2019 | Articles | 0 comments

Have you noticed, everyone these days is on the popular Keto diet? Don’t get me wrong I am not saying that Keto diet is bad, or you shouldn’t do it, but I often feel everyone is running after the latest trend without considering whether the diet is sustainable in the long run.

We often take the word of someone who has had success with a diet and then try to follow their trail. Sometimes one finds success and other times one quits before seeing any results.  Before we follow someone’s diet it is important to consider whether we can maintain it in the long-term and adopt it as a lifestyle.

I believe it’s okay to try out a defined-length diet with full knowledge that it is a short-term fix to get you back on track, but there needs to be careful consideration for what will be the strategy once the diet is over.  If there is no strategy for meaningful and sustainable lifestyle changes, then the improvements seen with the diet will likely be reversed quite rapidly.

 without diet

I know it’s not always straight forward, especially if you are confused with which diet to follow. I have outlined below some simple lifestyle-strategies that you can adopt which will all contribute to be on the right path to maintaining a healthy weight.

1. Focus on nourishing your body

Stop focusing on the latest trendy diet and start eating wholesome foods that are minimally-processed. Make it your goal to nourish your body.  Why not do an experiment and see for yourself by taking a break from eating boxed-foods for a week and see the difference for yourself.

Cut down or stay away from those boxed (processed) cookies, crackers, chips, ready meals, takeaways, drinks, snacks, and desserts. Besides unnecessary ingredients, most processed foods lack the nutrition that your body needs and when you consume them too often you have no control on what you are putting in your body.

Instead, eat home-made wholesome food that you have control over and is made with love. Aim to fill most of your shopping cart with fruits and veggies (plain frozen veggies and fruits are fine). I have written more about processed foods here and I have a free e-book about processed foods for you to help you get started. 

2. Stay well-hydrated by drinking plenty of water

Skip those sugary drinks and instead drink plenty of water. Yes, this means giving up your sweetener in your hot beverages including honey (you don’t have to go cold turkey immediately). Watch out for those fancy lattes, cappuccinos, milkshakes, and energy drinks that have way too much sweeteners/syrups and ingredients that are doing more harm to your health overall.

Our bodies tend to confuse hunger with thirst, so drink enough water throughout the day. Sure you can enjoy sugary drinks occasionally but make sure you are clear about your definition of “occasionally” and are aware of how often you consume them.  Drinking water is the best as research shows that drinking water before meals can make you feel full which in-turn can help shed pounds. Read this to learn more about sugary drinks and what you can do to reduce consumption.

3. Make sure to move your body

I am sure you know it by now, but seriously this is one thing we cannot skip. EXERCISE BECAUSE YOU LOVE YOUR BODY. Exercise isn’t only about losing weight but we are designed to move so that our bodies can function properly. The main point of exercise is to keep our immune system, brain, and hormones functioning effectively. Movement is also necessary for our lymphatic system which helps clear out metabolic and toxic waste from our body. Without daily movement all of these systems begin to slow down and our health starts to suffer. So keep moving to get the blood circulating.

If you are having a hard time to motivate yourself then consider changing your mindset towards exercise; don’t think of it as a dreaded “workout”, a chore, or a punishment, but instead embrace it and have fun. Be positive about it because our mind has great deal of influence on the decisions we make, so if you think of it as losing weight or as a chore you will surely not see much progress. Make it part of your lifestyle, just like how brushing your teeth is.

Find something you love and keep moving your body. And don’t forget to do strength training 2-3 times per week as this will protect your bone, maintain muscle mass, burn fat, improve brain function, boost metabolism, maintain strength, and improve flexibility.

Try jumping on a trampoline, dance as you do your chore, or do jumping jacks while watching TV. For more tips click here, NO MORE EXCUSES!

4. Get more sleep and reduce stress

Aim to get at least 8-9 hours of sleep. Lack of sleep can disrupt the appetite-regulating hormones leptin (signals fullness) and ghrelin (signals hunger ) thus impacting our eating patterns. Lack of sleep can also lead to insulin resistance, cardiovascular disease, mood swings, poor immune function, and hormonal imbalances. So stop scrolling social media, watching Netflix, or surfing the internet and just go to bed.

Make it a habit to go to bed at least by 10 pm or earlier if possible.

Similarly, high levels of stress can elevate the hormone ‘cortisol’  which can significantly impact our weight loss goals. Stress can also trigger emotional eating, which is eating unhealthy foods to control or calm a negative mood even though you are not hungry.

Reduce stress levels by practicing meditation, deep breathing, yoga, or just keeping life simple by delegating duties/chores to others and saying no to things that overwhelm you.

5. Keep it out of sight

Stock you pantry and fridge+freezer with healthy food options like fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Keep healthy foods right at eye level so you can remember to eat them.

It’s best not to bring unhealthy items in the house but if there are any family members who consume those foods then make sure that you hide them from your reach.  If it is out of sight it is out of your mind and you are less likely to reach for them.

Also don’t go grocery shopping when you are hungry as you are more likely to make unhealthy choices. This also includes when eating out. Plan ahead and choose restaurants that have healthy food options. Most restaurants are also flexible to make adjustments to your meals so don’t hesitate to request this.

6. Practice mindfulness and self-care

Eat without digital distractions because you are likely to eat more when you are distracted.
Savor your food so that the brain has time to register that you’ve had enough to eat. Eat slowly and chew your food properly.  Wait at least 15 minutes before going back for seconds or reaching out for snacks.

Go for an occasional treat but don’t overdo it just because you are celebrating or have an excuse.
Check in with your emotions and let go of anything that is not serving you right.

7. Listen to your body

Give it rest when it’s needed, don’t overdo, give up, or beat yourself up if you fall of the wagon. Don’t be discouraged if the number on the scale isn’t moving, because numbers aren’t everything; look out for how you FEEL. Are you less out of breath now, are you sleeping better, are your moods better, how is your energy etc?

Other things to consider are, is there any underlying health issue that is preventing you from losing weight such as hormone imbalances or any medications. Seek help from your healthcare practitioner.

These tips are simple and, if followed, are an effective mind-body approach to finding the right balance between physical, mental, and emotional well-being, and consequently maintaining a healthy body weight.

Most importantly don’t give up on taking care of your body because it does amazing things for you. Don’t wait for another Monday or the New Year. PLEASE START TODAY !


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