Natural Remedies For Seasonal Allergies/ Hay Fever

Natural Remedies For Seasonal Allergies/ Hay Fever

Ahh finally nice warm weather! Unfortunately, for some of us this also means itchy eyes, nose, and mouth, sneezing, coughing, etc. The un-welcomed seasonal allergies! It is so annoying that you cannot fully enjoy the beautiful weather. I have been experiencing...
Can Walking Help You Achieve Your Health Goals?

Can Walking Help You Achieve Your Health Goals?

Walking is such a good low impact exercise. It’s one of the easiest and preferred ways to get your daily movement in. I love walking when I am on holidays, visiting beautiful places, and on weekends with my husband. But the thought of walking alone for the sake of...
I Didn’t Eat Meat For 28-Days !

I Didn’t Eat Meat For 28-Days !

A few weeks ago I decided to embark on a 28 day (mostly) raw vegan detox to get rid of toxins and heal my body from Candida overgrowth. Before starting the detox I was quite nervous and overwhelmed about how I would do this for such a long time. I had never done a...
Your Makeup Needs a Makeover

Your Makeup Needs a Makeover

You read food labels because you want to know what you are putting into your body, but have you taken the time to read the labels on skincare and cosmetics you use? Some of us have been using a lot of products on our skin especially those who are into the latest...
Clean Out Your Fridge!

Clean Out Your Fridge!

A few days ago I was cleaning out my fridge, and I realized that my fridge door is so much emptier now compared to what it looked like about 3 years ago. My family never had loads of sauces and dips, but we did have some of the staples such as mayonnaise, ketchup, a...
Are avocados fattening?

Are avocados fattening?

“But avocados are fattening! They are not good for you!!” I often hear this from people who are trying to follow their doctors recommendations, whether it’s to reduce their cholesterol or keep their blood sugar/diabetes in check. Well yes, it’s true that...