Stop Putting Off Your Health Goals For Good

by | Dec 9, 2015 | Articles | 0 comments

Are you someone who is always putting off your health goals? Do these thoughts sound familiar?

“Oh, I’ll start eating healthy from next week.”

“I’ll start my morning walks from Monday.”

“Oh there’s so much going in my life right now; let things calm down a bit and I’ll take care of myself starting next month.”

New Year’s is right around the corner, and I’m sure you must be thinking of setting your resolutions. It could be to start exercising, eat less processed foods, drink more water, cook more often, stop smoking, or practice self -care!

With all the buzz going on in the media around making New Year’s resolutions, we get super fired up and inspired to set our own goals and take actions, but we all know that by the end of the month, most people don’t even remember what goals they set.

BUT HELLOOO?!!! Why are you waiting for the New Year to set your goals?! Goals can be set at any time, not just at New Year’s or on your 30th or 40th or 50th birthday. A goal is a desired result that a person or a system envisions, plans and commits to achieve. Goals provide focus, enhance productivity, boost self-esteem, and increase commitment. When you set effective goals, you will achieve more.

What do you think is the number one hurdle when it comes to leading a healthier lifestyle? I’ve heard so many excuses from clients, family members, and friends (and sometimes myself!) of why we don’t stick to our goals:

“I don’t have the willpower.”…..“I’m just not motivated enough.”…..“I can’t find any time!”…..“That diet or that exercise routine is so tough!”…..“There are too many temptations around me.”

Yes these things are true, and can be challenging to get around, but some practice is all that’s needed to overcome them. I am sure you have seen many people who fall but get up each time and keep going; people with many hardships performing amazing feats. I’m sure you often think, “If they can do it, so can I.”

A goal without a plan is just a wish (1)

And YES, I do think you can, if you focus on two things: your mindset and your big WHY.


It is important to identify what your mindset is like.

Are you the type of person who is fussy to try out new things? Or do you hold on to your past failed /unpleasant attempts? Do you follow the all-or-nothing mentality (“I’ve only got 10 minutes today, so there’s no way I’m gonna fit in a whole workout.”)

When you are setting new goals make sure to reflect on your mindset and see where things can be improved.

For instance, stay open to not only trying out the new healthy recipes that your coach recommends, but also seek out different ways you can prepare it to hit your own unique taste buds.  You will be surprised how even tweaking something a little bit can help you adapt to a new food item/exercise routine/habit.

Also, don’t hold on to past failures; instead look at them as ways of learning and improving.

Tip: Break down your goals using the SMART Rule; make your goals Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Timely.

And finally, remember that every step that you take towards your health matters. So don’t say, “I blew my diet so I might as well give up for the week.”  Acknowledge and identify your mistake, forgive yourself, and keep moving forward. It’s ok if you only workout for 10 mins, or eat a piece of cake. Don’t beat yourself up!

Your Big WHY

The next important thing to stick to your goals is identify your big WHY.  Dig deeper to figure out why you want to get healthy? Having a strong reason behind your motives will help you stay focused and consistent. It will help you get a clearer picture of how you will feel when you achieve those goals. What will your life be like if you do or don’t follow those goals? There is no motivation without motives.

Tip: Try associating an image to your goal so that every time you think of giving up you have a clear reminder of why you started in the first place. Be creative; perhaps have your goals in front of you on a vision-board or as your laptop screensaver.

So what are you waiting for? How much longer are you gonna keep putting your health at the back of your mind? When do YOU become YOUR priority?. Every day you put it off is an extra day away from reaching your goals. Take action for your health every day, even if it’s baby steps.


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