Healthy Kids

by | Sep 16, 2014 | Articles | 0 comments

Getting your kids to eat healthy is often challenging and my family was no different. A few years ago, when I was in nutrition school I switched some of the grocery items to organic and my daughters would say, “Eeeww! Organic is so boring!” and “No way! I’m not having that!”. Fast forward two years, now both of them are happy to eat the healthier versions of many foods and are also often found reading food labels at the supermarket. My ten year old has recently started writing poems and here is what she thinks of being healthy:

Balanced Healthy Living (6)

We all know that any change in life can be challenging. As the fitness guru, Jillian Michaels, says,” Old habits die hard, but they do die”.

Here are some tips on how to help your kids eat healthy.

  • One of the most important ways to change unhealthy habits is to start at a young age.  I had managed to maintain a ‘NO CANDY – NO SODA’  rule for my  kids until  around the age of two, but after that it got tough. It took some time getting them back on track, but incorporating  small changes at a time made a big difference.
  • Saying ‘NO’ to kids all the time can be heart-wrenching, but you need to be clear as to why you are avoiding the bad stuff.
  •  Also, giving them the occasional free-pass to choose something not-so-healthy can help balance out eating habits.

So what are your tricks to get kids to eat healthier?


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